The January OVHS Board of Directors Meeting will be held on January 24 at 3 p.m. at the Oro Valley Public Library. Find out what’s happening. The Oro Valley Historical Society has a great future in the works. Become a member and find out how you can help!
December-January, 2018-19 Newsletter
Oro Valley Historical Society
P.O. Box 69754, Oro Valley AZ 85737
Upcoming Events
January 9
Volunteer Training 1:00 pm to 2:30pm
Learn how you can help at OVHS! This informational meeting will be held for current members and those interested in volunteering. Meet at the Pusch Ranch House at Steam Pump Ranch.
Additional training will be held quarterly throughout the year on 2nd Wednesdays (January, April, July and October) and will continue in 2020.
Become a member and join in the effort to “Keep Oro Valley History Alive”.
January 12
Second Saturday at Steam Pump Ranch. A variety of activities from 9 to noon including tours of the Pusch Ranch House, children’s craft and demonstration in the Heritage Garden, the Heirloom Farmer’s Market, and more!
The Second Saturday in January will feature information and a display on the Tully/Ochoa raid. Stop by the Pusch Ranch House from 9:00-noon and discover local history.
OVHS Website
For up-to-the-minute information about the Society’s activities, be sure to visit our website:, and our Facebook page: Oro Valley Historical Society. “Share” the OVHS Facebookpage on your Facebook timeline!
We are in the process of improving our website and would like your feedback. Also, if you would like to submit a story, photo or event information, contact Teri Colmar at
Thanks to Teri for her work on the website!
Holiday Sales
The Holiday Sale has netted $ 159.00 thus far. All remaining items will be for sale on December 8th. After that, they will be donated to the Golden Goose. Thanks to Jo Di Gennaro for organizing these sales
Paul Loomis at our information booth
More Important News
News from the November Board Meeting
Jo Di Gennaro volunteered at the Town of Oro Valley’s Hayride event and received $ 85 that was donated to the Society…Al Efron has donated $ 5000 to the Society for engineering studies to be completed at Steam Pump Ranch. Thank you! … Joyce Rychener recently hosted a home school group for local history education at Steam Pump Ranch over a two-week period. The students ranged from 2nd grade through high school. Joyce noted that the wintercrops have been planted in the Heritage Garden…. Jim Williams donated $1200 from sales of his book, “Claiming the Desert”.
Collections Corner
The OVHS was recently notified by the Arizona State Historical Society that it is the recipient of an AHS Small Grant in the amount of $820 for the preservation and display of collection items.
Peg and Sue met with Kate Stewart – the Tucson Arizona Historical Museum Archivist – to review how to organize, catalog, file, store and preserve OVHS archival materials. Kate will visit the Tack Room in January 2019 to view the Collections and evaluate their past work.
New Oro Valley History Available
Board member Jim Williams has published a new history of Oro Valley from 1865 to 1965 entitled Claiming the Desert. This book is currently available on and at the Western National Parks Association.
Profits from the sales of this book go to the Oro Valley Historical Society.
For more information:
Thanks to Helen Cates for her presentation on the history of a platform cradle and child’s rocking chair at the Second Saturday in November and for her kind donation!
Our December display at the Oro Valley Public Library
Do you know the story of Raggedy Ann?
Always a favorite toy…Rockem’ Sockem’ Robots
Find out fun facts about the classic toys that are still popular today!
George and Mathilda wishing you a Merry Christmas!
The hidden pickle…the children loved it.
Waiting for snow in the desert.
Gifts for the Pusch children
A blooming pomegranate just outside the Pusch Ranch House kitchen door.
An ancient method of firing pottery.
Alan Day speaking about the Lazy B Ranch and family tales.
Calling all current and new members or those interested in volunteering with OVHS! Our first quarterly meeting will be on Wednesday, January 9 at 1 p.m. at the Pusch Ranch House in Steam Pump Ranch. If you love local history and want to learn more about opportunities to serve your community, join OVHS! Check our Facebook page (Oro Valley Historical Society) and this website for further updates. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
You won’t want to miss the activity at Steam Pump Ranch on Saturday, December 8 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Stop by the OVHS tent and say “hi” to our volunteers! They can give you information about OVHS and how we “Keep Oro Valley History Alive”. You can also browse an array of gently used seasonal items to make your holiday bright!
Then take a tour of the Pusch Ranch House. This month will feature an early 2oth century holiday theme.
Children can enjoy craft activities in the Heritage Garden from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
At high noon a talk will be given by Alan Day, brother of Sandra Day O’Connor. He will discuss life on the Day Ranch in Arizona and his quest to save wild mustangs.
12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
QUEST for Drama’s live radio play of “It’s a Wonderful Life”
Adapted for radio-on-stage by Tony Palermo, Arranged by Johnathan Green and Directed by Rachel Dircks.
QUEST for Drama knows that “Drama is truly beneficial for children” so please come support this great group of young people as they get you in the Christmas spirit with this Holiday classic.
Take advantage of Steam Pump Ranch our community gem and all it has to offer!