Summer Fun at SPR

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Summer time and the livin’ is easy and fun!  Several Oro Valley Historical Society members shared their expertise at the ART + STEM = STEAM@STEAM PUMP RANCH OV Parks and Recreation summer camp program.  Thanks to Twink Monrad for sending along pictures of some of the activities and this synopsis of some of the activities.

“Each year my metal detecting buddy Don Morin and I are asked to give the camp kids a demonstration of metal detecting. This year another detecting friend, Randy Blades joined us.  We show the difference in sounds between detecting for meteorites, gold and silver and other jewelry, coins and an Earth Rock which does not make any noise at all.  Then we loan the camp kids metal detectors and pin pointers for a 40 minute hunt for pennies and one dime which we hide just under the dirt in the OVHS garden managed by Joyce Rychener.  The children have a great time finding coins after instruction on the metal detectors.”   Twink Monrad

Out and About

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With warmer weather on the horizon, many Tucsonans will be seeking cooler climates.  If you find yourself headed north, you might want to take a detour to Florence.

Did you know that Florence has over 25 sites on the National Register of Historic Places? The area that became Florence had been a settlement of the Hohokam due to its proximity to the Gila River. The town was founded in 1866 by Levi Ruggles, an American Civil War veteran and Indian Agent.  In 1875 the Silver King Mine was discovered and the town bustled with activity.

Though times have changed and Florence is quieter than its early days, it is still a county seat of Pinal County and has a population of about 27, 500.

Enjoy some of Florence’s Historic Landmark Sites!









Summer Library Display

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While you visit the Oro Valley Public Library to pick-up your summer reading, browse our new display.   Continuing the “Celebrate Oro Valley” theme, the OVHS Collection team put together an exhibit of local cattle ranching.  Kudos to Sue Chambasian for coordinating the display with the helping hands of Twink Monrad and Teri Colmar.

    Summer Library Display

Want to join OVHS?  There are brochures at the library display case or contact Carol Bull:

Ranchin’ Library Display

Jim Williams to talk on Compelling Characters in OV

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Local author and historian, Jim Williams, will present a talk on “Compelling Characters in Oro Valley History.  There were more than a few so if you want to get a bit of local color and learn about Oro Valley personalities, you’ll enjoy Jim’s lecture.  The talk will take place at the Western National Parks Association on Wednesday, May 8th at noon and 2:00 pm.  The event is open to the public but reservations are required and can be made one week in advance (520-622-6014).
You won’t want to miss this!

Volunteer Open House!

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Calling all volunteers!  If you would like more information on volunteer opportunities and/or receive guides for docent positions at Steam Pump Ranch, drop by Carol Bull’s on Monday, April 29.  Her door will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Please contact her so she knows how many to expect.  Carol Bull:  or call: 520-991-8725.

Hope to see you!

Summer Library Display

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Library Display

If you’re preparing your reading list for the upcoming “lazy days of summer” and find yourself at the Oro Valley Public Library, be sure to stop by and see our display.  The Collections team has gathered some of the favorite items from the Celebrate Oro Valley exhibit and taken them on the road to the library.  Thank you to Sue Chambasian for co-ordinating the library display theme and Twink Monrad for lending a helping hand.

Don’t forget to add “Claiming the Desert” by local author, Jim Williams, to your reading list.  Next time you take a hike in Catalina Park, or walk around Steam Pump Ranch at the Farmer’s Market, it will give you a new perspective on our local history.  Jim’s book can be bought at the Oro Valley Historical Society booth at Steam Pump Ranch on Saturdays from 8 to Noon for $15 or on Amazon.  Jim has generously donated all proceeds to the OVHS.  Thank you, Jim!


Oro Valley Historical Society
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