Thursday, February 28 at 3:00 is the monthly board meeting BUT all are invited to attend! Meet at Pusch Ranch House at Steam Pump Ranch with ideas, enthusiasm and a volunteer spirit! We hope you’ll be there so you can help plan our future.
On February 13, Paul Loomis and Teri Colmar attended the “Jim Click Millions for Tucson” kick-off event at Reid Park Zoo (beautifully decorated for the Year of the Pig). Though OVHS didn’t win one of the $500 raffle prizes for attending, we did come back with 200 tickets to sell! Tickets will go on sale at the OVHS tent beginning at the March 9 Second Saturdays at Steam Pump Ranch. Tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100. Tickets can also be purchased by contacting Teri Colmar:
Who couldn’t use a 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit, two round-trip first class airline tickets ANYWHERE in the world, or $5000 in cash! And of course, ALL the money from the ticket sales goes directly to OVHS!
Tickets will be available through the last week of November but don’t wait!
Heritage Garden at Steam Pump Ranch
Who says nothing grows in the desert! Thank you Joyce and Camilla for your green thumbs and tending to the Heritage Garden and all its activities! Be sure you don’t miss the next Second Saturday at Steam Pump Ranch…a great place for family fun and learning!
It was a full house at Pusch Ranch House on Saturday, February 9! Many enjoyed the displays of the Tully-Ochoa Wagon Attack as well as learning other local history provided by our knowledgable docents! We encourage you to stop by on Saturday, March 9 to see a new display at the Historic Heart of Oro Valley, Steam Pump Ranch. Interested in OVHS membership or volunteering? Contact Carol Bull at
- OVHS “Keeping Oro Valley History Alive” .
February – March, 2019
Speaker Series
Local historian Bob Simpson will discuss “The Sutherlands of Oro Valley” at the Oro Valley Library on Friday, February 8that 2:00 pm. Bob is completing a book titled From the Canada del Oro to the Tortolitas on the history of the Catalina and Saddlebrook areas, to be published this spring. He will discuss the William Sutherland family, a group of pioneer ranchers who lived in and near Catalina State Park from the late nineteenth century to the 1920s. Bob is an engaging speaker and you are sure to enjoy this event. Get there early to be sure of a seat! The event is sponsored by the Historical Society and open to the public. There is no admission charge.
Tully-Ochoa Exhibit at Steam Pump Ranch
Come to the Second Saturday (February 9th) at Steam Pump Ranch and see an exhibit on the Tully-Ochoa wagon attack. Fourteen freight company employees and nine wagons were attacked in May, 1869, along the CDO Wash north of Oro Valley. The Collections Committee will exhibit items related to the attack in the Pusch House.
Volunteers Session Held in January
Volunteers chair Carol Bull held an informational session for new volunteers at the Pusch House at Steam Pump Ranch on January 9th. Volunteers from this meeting will meet at Carol’s house on February 6th. An additional informational session will be held on April 10th at 2:00 pm at the Pusch House. The volunteer group is also working on scripts for volunteers to help docents to explain the history of the residents and buildings at Steam Pump Ranch.
Would you like to become an OVHS volunteer? Please contact Carol Bull at carolpfc@icloud.comto sign up for the April 10thprogram or to discuss volunteering.
Items from the January Board Meeting
Sue Chambasian of the Collections Committee reported that the Society has received a grant of $ 850 from the Arizona Historical Society. The Board agreed to contribute up to $ 350 to add to the grant to purchase rare book storage boxes, display posters and feet for the panels…. Joyce Rychener noted that winter crops have been planted in containers and are doing well in the Heritage Garden. The Town has agreed to help with the rodent problem….Joyce has developed research questions for the Town’s Bill Adler Expository Writing contest….Roxy Johnson, Dick Johnson and Paul Loomis attended a meeting to develop a business plan at the Eller College at the University of Arizona. They will work on this project during the coming months….The Society will participate in the April 15th Town birthday celebration at Steam Pump Ranch. The Society may also have a table at the Wine Festival in February…The Town has set aside $ 10,000 to develop architectural plans for the Garage at Steam Pump Ranch, and the Society is contributing an additional $ 5000 to this effort due to the generosity of Al Efron. Thank you, Al!…Al Efron, Matt Moutafis and Camella Koeller have resigned from the Board. We thank them for their service! Al generously provided a $ 1000 donation to the Society as a farewell….
Visit our Website
Visit the websitewww.ovhistory.organd Facebook for events and news and be sure to “LIKE” us. If you have information to post, please contact Teri Colmar at
Oro Valley Historical Society
Keeping Oro Valley History Alive! P.O. Box 69754 Oro Valley, AZ 85737 |
New Oro Valley History is Available
Board member Jim Williams has published a new history of Oro Valley from 1865 to 1965 entitled Claiming the Desert. Do you want to learn about the earliest settlers, homesteaders and major ranchers who lived in our area? This book provides a picture of life in this area when less than 200 people lived here. Chapters focus on early schools, roads, ranching, homesteader life and much more! The book is available currently on It is also on sale at the Western National Parks Association in Oro Valley. For more information, contact Jim Williams at Proceeds benefit the Oro Valley Historical Society!Jim will have a table at the Tucson Festival of Books on Saturday, March 2ndfrom 12:00 to 2:00 pm in the independent author tent. Stop by!
Time to Renew Your Membership!
Our membership year runs from March to March, so it is time to renew your membership to the Oro Valley Historical Society! Our society is an all-volunteer organization and we need your involvement and financial support! You can join the OVHS on our website. A PayPal account or credit card is all you need to become part of the team! Click “JOIN” at the top right of the home page at
Join your neighbors and mosey over to Steam Pump Ranch for Second Saturday activities on Saturday, February 9 from 9am to 1pm. There’s the Heirloom Farmers Market with lots of produce coming into season, demonstrations by Archaeology SW and crafts for kids in the Heritage Garden and tours of the Pusch Ranch House (PRH). Be sure to stop by the PRH and see the history display regarding the Tully-Ochoa Wagon attack. Did you know it happened right here in our neck of the desert? Docents will also take you on a tour of the PRH and provide local history. Interested in joining OVHS or learning more about us? Then visit our tent and let us fill you in. Our Volunteers Are Worth Their Weight in Oro!
Historic Steam Pump Ranch