Bob Simpson Lectures on the Sutherlands of Oro Valley

By | Editor's Pick, Education, Events, Members Update | No Comments

Local historian, Bob Simpson, will give a talk on Friday, Feb. 8 at the Oro Valley Public Library at 2:00 p.m. focusing on the Sutherland family of Oro Valley.  The family lived in Catalina State Park.  The Sutherland Wash and Sutherland Trail were named after them.  Who knows perhaps a surprise namesake guest or two might attend the lecture.

Bob Simpson is a retired Foreign Service Officer and is publishing a two-volume history of the area from Catalina State Park to the Biosphere.

Interested in becoming part of OVHS? Be sure to talk to one of our members at the event.  Though the event is free, we appreciate donations to OVHS to continue our work for the community!

At the base of the Santa Catalinas in Catalina State Park

New Library Display

By | Editor's Pick, Education | No Comments

Be sure to stop by the Oro Valley Public Library to see the new display on the history of the blacksmith shop and Pump House located at Steam Pump Ranch.  Then visit Steam Pump Ranch on Second Saturdays.  February 9 there will be plenty going on!  Tours of the Pusch Ranch House featuring a display of the history of the Tully-Ochoa wagon attack, the Heirloom Farmers Market, music by Amber Norgaard, and demonstrations and children’s crafts in the Heritage Garden.

The Tully-Ochoa Wagon Attack

By | Editor's Pick, Education, Events | No Comments

Hope you didn’t miss the exhibit at Pusch Ranch House (Steam Pump Ranch, Oro Valley) detailing the Tully-Ochoa Wagon attack along the Canada del Oro.

Thank you to Peg O’Connell for researching and coordinating the display.

Remember the Pusch Ranch House is open for tours with exhibits from 9 to noon every Second Saturday through April.  Stop by to check out our local history!

If you have a love of local history, become a member of Oro Valley Historical Society.  Contact Carol Bull:  We hope you’ll join us!

We Want You!

By | Editor's Pick, Newsletter | No Comments

Calling all current and new members or those interested in volunteering with OVHS. Our first quarterly meeting will be on Wednesday, January 9 at 1 p.m. at the Pusch Ranch House in Steam Pump Ranch. If you love local history and want to learn more about opportunities to serve your community, join OVHS. There are opportunities to become a docent, fundraiser, collections assistant, and much more! Check our Facebook page (Oro Valley Historical Society) and this website for further updates. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

For further information contact Carol Bull at

Oro Valley Historical Society
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