Stop by and say “Hi”!

By June 19, 2019Editor's Pick

June heat can’t keep Twink Monrad, Paul Loomis and Randy Blades from setting up the OVHS booth at the Saturday Heirloom Farmer’s Market at Steam Pump Ranch!  These stalwart OVHS members can answer many questions about Steam Pump Ranch and Oro Valley history.  Just stop by the OVHS booth and say “Hi”!  While you’re there buy a Jim Click Raffle ticket, a tote bag, a “Claiming the Desert” book, and/or notecards….all to support OVHS.

Thanks to Randy Blades for taking the pix!


Interested in finding out how to volunteer or become a member?  Stop by the monthly meeting on Thursday, June 27 at the Oro Valley Public Library at 3:00 p.m.

Oro Valley Historical Society
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