The Oro Valley Historical Society hopes you all had a great time in April, celebrating Oro Valley’s 50th anniversary of incorporation, from parade to activities at James D. Kriegh Park (with fireworks(!), to tree planting in our parks on Arbor Day, April 27. And now, the Society continues with information about that road to incorporation.
In celebration of Oro Valley’s 50th birthday (April, 1974), the Oro Valley Historical Society is presenting talks by Jim Williams, our former President, current historian, and author of the book Oro Valley The First Fifty Years .
On Wednesday, May 8 at 2 p.m. Jim Williams will talk about Oro Valley’s first fifty years at the Western National Parks store on North Vistoso Village Drive in Oro Valley. The making of a town isn’t easy, and it took a long time with many twists and turns. Jim covers that journey and the people who made it happen. Contact the National Parks Store to make a reservation. The author will be there to sign his books for you!
On Monday, May 13 and Monday 20, Jim Williams will be giving two talks about our history from early settlers to today. The talks will be from 2 – 4 p.m. at the Oro Valley Public Library, and you can attend one or both. You’ll be amazed at what those who came before us endured, why they came here, and how they were important to making Oro Valley the town it is today.
Join the Oro Valley Historical Society as we keep Oro Valley history alive!