It’s been a LONG 2020!  But we are happy to announce that the Oro Valley Historical Society (OVHS) will be having a “round-up” at Steam Pump Ranch.  The Historic Steam Pump Ranch Park will be open for outdoor tours of the property on Saturday, December 12 and Saturday, December 19 from 10 a.m. until Noon (last tour departure).  The tour will include OVHS  docent guided talks that include an overview of Native Cultures that lived in the area, the Pusch Ranch House, the Steam Pump Building, the Proctor-Leiber House and the Heritage Garden.  Due to COVID the building interiors will NOT be open.  Tours will last about 50 minutes.

COVID protocols (i.e. masks, temperature, social distancing, health questions) will be necessary for tour participants. Tour groups will be limited to 6 and will leave approximately every 15 minutes.  First come first serve…no reservations. Be sure to dress for the weather. Suggested donation for the tour is $10 with all proceeds to benefit the continuing programs of the Oro Valley Historical Society.

If you still need some holiday gift and seasonal items, the OVHS will have a booth with books, holiday décor and miscellaneous items set-up at the tour check-in site.  Look for signs and the booth just south of the Farmer’s Market Ramada.

The Historic  Steam Pump Ranch is located at 10901 N. Oracle Road, Oro Valley.  For updates please visit the Oro Valley Historical Society Facebook page and our website

Oro Valley Historical Society
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